Looking for a Graduate?

We are passionate about attracting medical engineering graduates to the medical device industry to ensure its ongoing growth and success.

If you have a graduate role, internship or work experience project and are looking for a graduate, Medical Engineers will help you find the right candidate for FREE.

Contact us to find out more.


Internships offer benefits to both students and employers. For the student, they gain valuable work experience and an opportunity to showcase their teamwork skills, adaptability and initiative alongside their academic learning. Employers gain an additional resource with a fresh perspective and new ideas.

At Medical Engineers, we are often asked to recruit graduates who have ‘some work experience’ but find that many graduates struggle to find internship opportunities. We created MedTec Connect, a platform for medical technology employers and graduates who want to work in the industry to come together and connect.

The service is FREE and we will post the opportunity on our website and across social media, along with LinkedIn Medical Engineering Graduates.

All applications will be sent directly to the manager recruiting the internship.

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