As life is finally getting back to normal after the COVID pandemic, the world we knew and experienced before March 2020 is very different to the world we are now living in.

How has this global crisis altered consumer trends, business needs and daily and working life? What trends can we expect to see emerging in the business and technology space?

Life Sciences

This sector has seen rapid growth during the pandemic. There have been many great innovations in life science technologies including the mRNA vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. These vaccines have had a huge impact across the globe, helping to keep cases under control and away from our most vulnerable. COVID drug developments by Merck have also driven this industry forwards.

For anyone interested in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental sciences, biomedicine, nutraceuticals, neuroscience, cell biology and biophysics will certainly have some great opportunities to explore in the coming years as this industry continues to grow. Key areas to watch out for include Advanced Research, Application of Robotics Technology, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), use of Cloud Technology, the improvement of drug testing speed, integration of genetic information and usage of gene technology.

Networking and Interconnectivity

The pandemic resulted in a huge shift in working patterns for people across the world. As many were forced to stay home, remote working became commonplace and has remained popular even as COVID cases fall. Our reliance on the internet has never been greater. As such, the online industry is booming.

As reported by Cisco’s Visual Networking Index forecast, there were 3.4 billion people using the internet in 2017 with the forecast for this to increase to over 4.8 billion by 2022. This figure equates to almost 60 percent of the global population. This figure is only going to increase going forward and will create huge growth and many opportunities in the technology arena.

Although 5G is still relatively new, there is already a focus on 6G. In 2018, both China and the USA had already started researching this advancement. By the end of 2020, China had launched a satellite to test terahertz signal transmission with both Huawei and ZTE involved, and the U.S. had started a Next G Alliance with companies including Apple, AT&T, and Google all on board.

The Metaverse

During the COVID pandemic and subsequent global lockdowns, people were forced to stay at home, sometimes alone or with only their immediate family. Without the ability to socialise or interact face to face, the internet provided a way for people to connect during this difficult time. It is not surprising that the metaverse, a digital reality that encompasses social media, online gaming, virtual and augmented reality and cryptocurrencies took off.

The growth of the metaverse will without a doubt directly impact the future of many technology sectors including gaming, wearables, VR and AR, collaborative productivity (Canva, Slack), consumer tech products (including AR glasses or smart speakers), social networks, educational technology, health technology, communication technology (Zoom), digital currencies, and convenience mobilization and on-demand consumption (Amazon, Meituan, Alibaba,, Shopify). This is going to be a huge area of technical growth going forward.


The COVID-19 pandemic presented opportunity for growth within robotics as robots and automation provided a safe means for manufacturers to keep employees socially distanced, yet still allowed businesses to continue operating.

The use of Robotics Process Automation (RPA), which automates repetitive activities, is set to grow, becoming a standard technology for businesses. This will free workers from repeated tasks and allow them to focus on more fulfilling work.

We are also seeing a rise in nanorobotics. This involves tiny sensors with limited processing power which provide minimally invasive techniques for early diagnoses and targeted drug delivery.

The increase in the use of robotics as a whole spans the healthcare, agriculture, automotive, warehousing and supply chain management sectors.

Renewable Energy

During the pandemic renewable energy was the only energy sector that saw growth. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), 40 percent more green energy was generated and used in 2020, with experts predicting continued growth in 2022. The ever-rising cost of non-renewable energy and the falling cost of generating sustainable energy are causing more and more people to make the switch.

Advancements in technologies such as nuclear fusion, biofuel and liquid hydrogen, as well as growth in the production and usage of solar and wind technology, are set to continue and are also important areas to consider.

Looking Ahead

There’s little doubt that in 2022 and beyond will see rapid technological growth as the world emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a prime opportunity for start-ups, corporations and investors to capitalise on these emerging areas.

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